The history of INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO HB ZANCHETTA IMPORTAÇÃO E EXPORTAÇÃO LTDA, registered under the CNPJ: 03.531.020 / 0001-87, begins in the 90s, the year in which its founder HUMBERTO BACHI ZANCHETTA, better known as Beto Zanchetta, gave beginning of the purchase and sale of peanuts, encouraging producers to grow peanuts in the region.
A family company, with more than 20 years in the market and with a commitment focused on investing in high technology, seeking to improve the manufacture of its products and the strengthening of its partnerships with large producers that help in achieving the goal of producing with responsibility, quality and food safety.
This strategy is in line with the philosophy of a company that, for two decades, has been dedicated to making high quality products for its consumers.
Feeling the need for evolution, HB ZANCHETTA expanded its production line to the international market, in addition to supplying the Brazilian market, exporting today to: South Africa, Algeria, Colombia, India, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, among other countries.





A family business, with more than 20 years in the market and committed to investing in high technology, seeking to improve the manufacture of its products and strengthen its partnerships with large producers that help to achieve the goal of producing responsibly, with quality and food safety.
This strategy is consistent with the philosophy of a company that, for two decades, has been dedicated to manufacturing products high quality for its consumers.
Feeling the need for evolution, HB ZANCHETTA expanded its production line for the international market , in addition to supplying the market Brazilian, exporting today to: South Africa, Algeria, Colombia, India, Israel, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, among other countries.